3 Proven Strategies to Clean Less and Have More Fun

Summer is here, and I know you’d much rather be making memories with your kids than scrubbing the floors all day.

After all, it’s essential to cherish those special moments and let yourself enjoy life by having fun, instead of constantly worrying about the never-ending house chores.

In this post, I’m going to share 3 proven strategies that’ll help you clean less and spend more time with your kids this summer.

Get ready to dive into creating task management systems, developing time management habits, and building an idea bank of exciting summer activities for the whole family.

It’s time to put down your broom and grab a boogie board!

infographic with a water background and text "3 strategies to clean less and have more fun this summer"

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Make the Most of Motherhood

Life is fleeting, and before you know it, those little ones will be all grown up. That’s why it’s incredibly important to make the most of the time you have together.

Spending quality time with your kids not only strengthens family bonds but also contributes to their emotional well-being and development.

Plus, it’s a chance for you to unwind, relax, and let your inner child out to play!

I get it; the mess and clutter can be overwhelming at times. However, constantly cleaning the house shouldn’t take precedence over the precious moments you can share with your family.

As you allow yourself to have fun and create lasting memories, you’re teaching your kids the importance of balance in life.

Trust me; a bit of dust won’t hurt anyone, but missed opportunities for laughter and connection might leave a lasting impact.

Okay, let’s dive into these 3 strategies that really work!

Strategy #1: Create Task Management Systems in Your Home

A task management system is a method to organize, prioritize, and track your chores, ensuring that everything gets done efficiently and on time.

Systems in your home are important because they help you stay on top of your responsibilities and maintain a clean and organized home without feeling overwhelmed.

By implementing task management systems, you’ll be able to focus more on what truly matters: quality time with your family and doing activities that you enjoy.

Know Your Tasks: Daily, Weekly, Monthly

To create an effective task management system, first, you need to identify what tasks need to be done daily, weekly, and monthly.

Daily tasks might include dishes, tidying up, and sweeping.

Weekly chores could involve laundry, mopping, and bathroom cleaning.

Monthly tasks may consist of deep cleaning and organizing specific areas of your home.

Knowing what needs to be done and when will help you stay on track and avoid feeling swamped.

Set Up Your Home for Success

A well-organized home makes tasks easier to complete.

Set up your home environment with designated spots for everything, from cleaning supplies to laundry baskets.

Make sure frequently used items are easily accessible to streamline your chores because a functional and organized home will enable you to breeze through your tasks and spend more time having fun.

You’ll finally be able to get to those books you’ve been wanting to read too.

Ideas for Chore Systems in Your Home

Next week, I’m diving deeper into home management systems but I will briefly provide an overview of some major chores around your house here.

For dishes, establish a routine of washing them immediately after use or loading them right into the dishwasher after each meal.

With laundry, try sorting clothes into separate baskets for different family members or colors, making it easier to tackle loads as needed.

Mopping can be made simple by using a microfiber mop or my favorite Shark steam mop, and a cleaning solution, focusing on high-traffic areas first.

Keep bathroom cleaning supplies handy and opt for quick, daily wipe-downs during your evening reset to avoid buildup.

Lastly, consider meal planning and prepping to streamline cooking and minimize kitchen mess. Meal planning during my weekend reset has been a game-changer!

By implementing these task management systems, you’ll find yourself with more free time to spend with your little ones, making the most of your summer together.

MOM TIP: The less you own, the less you have to manage and clean. You don’t have to fill up every cabinet, shelf or even every room. It’s okay to have empty spaces.

Strategy #2: Clean Your Home in Less Time with Time Management Techniques

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time to specific tasks efficiently.

For moms, mastering time management is crucial as it helps you juggle the various responsibilities at home, including housekeeping, keeping up with your kids, and self-care.

If you’ve been struggling to get your house clean and organized, you’re probably not managing your time well.

But I promise you can learn! If this procrastinator turned highly-productive mom can do it, I know you can too.

Time Blocking: Your Key to Better Time Management

One great technique to enhance your time management skills is time blocking.

This method involves allocating specific time slots for your tasks throughout the day, creating a structured routine.

By dedicating blocks of time to certain chores, your self-care routines, and your family’s activities, you’ll achieve a balanced schedule and avoid the feeling of always being burned out or overwhelmed.

Here is a sample of my time-blocking system:

Zone Cleaning and Daily Resets

Pair your time-blocking approach with once-a-month zone cleaning for deep cleaning tasks and daily resets for lighter chores.

Zone cleaning involves dividing your home into specific areas and tackling the deep cleaning tasks in each zone throughout the month.

Daily resets, on the other hand, focus on quick, light cleaning tasks that keep your home tidy and manageable.

This combination will keep your home in great shape without consuming all your time.

Make sure to write your zone cleaning and your reset routines in your time blocks in your paper planner.

Stick to Your Time Blocks

It’s essential to commit to your designated time blocks and complete tasks within their allocated slots.

By sticking to your schedule, you’ll ensure that chores and responsibilities don’t encroach on your planned family time.

Remember, consistency is key to success! But also give yourself grace to establish these systems and habits.

By utilizing these time management techniques, you’ll create a balance between maintaining a clean home and enjoying unforgettable moments with your kids this summer.

MOM TIP: Your house doesn’t have to be spotless! It just has to be good enough to bring you peace. It’s up to your mindset.

Strategy #3: Plan Activities with Your Kids Using a Summer Bucket List

Planning your summer fun is vital to ensure you make the most of the season with your kids. If you don’t have a plan, you are less likely to stop working around the house.

By being intentional about scheduling activities, you’ll avoid the pitfalls of letting the days slip away with little to show for it.

A well-planned summer guarantees you’ll create lasting memories and enjoy quality time together.

Create a Summer Bucket List

To make sure you don’t miss out on any adventures, start by creating a summer bucket list.

Brainstorm a variety of activities you can do at home, in your neighborhood, in your city, and even in your state or out of state.

Consider including a mix of outdoor adventures, educational experiences, and simple pleasures like movie nights or picnics.

Post the bucket list in the kitchen or in your communication station at home as it will serve as your guide to a fun-filled summer.

By seeing the list daily, you will be more motivated to do things with your kids instead of busying yourself with household chores.

Ideas for Your Summer Bucket List

Here are some ideas for summer activities you can do with your kids in:

Summer Activities Around Your Home

  • old fashioned ice cream sundaes
  • homemade pizza
  • movie marathons like Marvel, Harry Potter, or Star Wars
  • board games marathon
  • hide and seek in the dark
  • a tarp for a giant slip and slide

Summer Activities Around Your Neighborhood

  • lemonade stand
  • yard sale
  • taking baked goods to neighbors
  • kickball games
  • barbeque
  • bike ride

Summer Activities Around Your City

  • visit a farm
  • take an art class
  • programs at the library
  • field trip to a restaurant
  • coffee shop challenge
  • shopping center scavenger hunt
  • picnic in the park

Summer Activities Around Your State

  • natural water feature
  • museum
  • art gallery
  • state park
  • hiking
  • kayaking

Summer Activities Around Other States

  • family vacation
  • national or state parks
  • hiking
  • state visitors centers
  • museums
  • state capitals
  • monuments

You can find 100+ more ideas HERE.

Schedule Your Summer Fun

Once you have your bucket list, it’s time to bring it to life by adding the activities to your family calendar.

Whether you use a paper calendar or a virtual shared one, make sure everyone can access it and stay updated on your plans.

By scheduling your summer activities, you’ll ensure that they become a priority and actually happen.

MOM TIP: It’s time for you to have fun again! Your kids truly want to see you laugh and smile.

Alright, it’s time to put it all to practice.

Tighten up on your task management systems, put your cleaning routines in time blocks, and grab a posterboard to plan out your summer activities and create a summer bucket list.

It’s time for you to embrace the joy of spending time with your kids this summer.

Let the dishes wait a little longer, the laundry pile up for a bit if it must, and just enjoy the sunshine, giggles, and adventures with your family.

After all, these are the moments that truly matter.

And with these strategies, you’ll soon find ways to keep the house in check without compromising the fun.

I’d love to hear from you!

Create a list of 10 activities you’re planning to do with your kids this summer and share them with me below! I’m cheering for you, friend.

P.S. If you’re reading this, I know you’re trying to be a great mom. So I thought you might be interested in reading about how to organize your kids’ sentimental things. I share some great ways to declutter your kids’ stuff while still keeping what’s most important to you safe.

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