14 Bathroom Items to Reset to Stay Clutter-Free

Picture this: it’s early morning, and you stumble into your bathroom, half-asleep, only to find a chaotic mess of products scattered around. The sight is enough to throw you off balance before your day even begins.

Sound familiar? We’ve all been there!

A cluttered and disorganized bathroom can quickly become a source of frustration and stress. But fear not, because in this blog post, I’m going to show you how to transform your bathroom into a space of order and serenity through simple reset habits.

With a few practical steps and a little bit of mindfulness, you’ll soon discover that maintaining an organized bathroom isn’t as hard as it seems.

Let’s dive in and create a bathroom space that supports your well-being and sets a positive tone for each day for your entire family!

infographic with clean bathroom with text "14 Bathroom Items to Reset to Stay Clutter-Free"

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BUT FIRST…Organize the Bathroom to Support Reset Habits

Before diving into the specific reset habits, let’s first prepare the groundwork by setting up an environment that facilitates order and simplicity.

Declutter and Downsize Within Your Current Capacity

The first step towards an organized bathroom is decluttering. Take a look at the items in your bathroom and assess what you truly need and use. Dispose of expired products and donate items that no longer serve a purpose. Remember, downsizing doesn’t mean compromising functionality; rather, it allows you to focus on what’s essential.

Organize Based on Systems that Support Your Lifestyle

Organizing your bathroom with systems tailored to your lifestyle ensures a seamless reset process. Consider using storage solutions like labeled bins, baskets, and shelves to categorize and arrange your items. Group similar items together for easy access and maintain separate spaces for personal care, beauty products, and toiletries.

Focus on Slowing Down and Becoming Mindful to Reset Before Moving On

Incorporate mindfulness into your daily bathroom routines. Take a few extra moments to reset the space after each use, ensuring that everything is back in its designated place. Embrace the process of resetting as an opportunity to clear your mind, taking a brief moment for yourself.

minimalism quote "less stuff means less to clean, less to organize, less to store, and less mess.

14 Bathroom Items to Reset to Stay Clutter-Free

Now that you have your bathroom environment optimized for reset habits, let’s go over some specific items that often require attention after use. By developing a habit of resetting these items, you’ll easily maintain an organized and clutter-free bathroom.

1. Towels

Install towel hooks in a convenient location in the bathroom and then hang up your towel after each use to keep it fresh for the next time. If you have multiple people in your family, consider using a different color towel for each person so everyone is responsible for their own towels.

2. Face Products

Return facial cleansers, toners, and moisturizers to their designated spot. Ideally, to maintain a clutter-free appearance, it would be better to store these products inside a medicine cabinet or a drawer in the vanity. However, if it supports your daily habits better to leave them on the counter, display them in a way that is visually appealing.

3. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, & Mouthwash

Toothbrushes are one of the most frequently used items in the bathroom. However, when they are left on the bathroom counter they can collect unwanted germs. Keep that in mind any time you are tempted to leave it out on the counter. It’s best to store them in closed containers like a medicine cabinet or a vanity drawer.

4. Orthodontics Retainers

Clean and place your retainer in its case to keep it from being lost or exposed to germs. It is especially difficult for children and teenagers to keep up with their retainer. Provide your kids or yourself with a specific place to keep your retainer when you’re not using it.

5. Hair Brushes

After using your brush, remove any hair it’s collected, dispose of it in the trash, and return the brush where it belongs. Pencil containers or plastic cups from the dollar on a shelf or inside a vanity drawer make great holders for hair brushes.

6. Hair Dryer, Flat Iron, etc.

Let these tools cool down before storing them away in a designated drawer or cabinet. You can even purchase a flat iron sleeve for quicker cleanup. Cords can be a real pain but I find it easy to wrap the cord around the tool before putting it away. This caddy is also a great solution for storing your hair care tools.

7. Make-Up

Makeup is an easy item to leave out without resetting because we typically have a lot of pieces to put away. Hopefully, you’ve taken the time to declutter what you’re not currently using during this season of your life and you’ve simplified what you own. Downsizing our makeup streamlines our makeup routine while also giving us the ability for quick and easy cleanup.

Pick a container that holds your most frequently used makeup. Put one item on your face at a time and then immediately return it back to the makeup bag or container. Store the container away in a specific place that is easy to access to keep the counter clutter-free.

8. Shaver, Razor, Shaving Gel, etc.

Whether you shave your legs in the shower and your husband shaves at the sink, always return the razors back to where they belong. Not only will this keep the bathroom organized but also keep your kids from hurting themselves on the sharp blades of the razor. This alone is good motivation to pick up after yourself.

9. Fingernail Clippers

Fingernail clippers used to always go missing in my house until I started keeping a set in the shower. Now I don’t even have to worry about toenail clippings on the floor because they go directly down the drain.

10. Hand Soap

Hand soap dispensers rarely get out of place beside the bathroom sink but if you’re someone who doesn’t even have a soap dispenser it might be a great time to put one in place. Little children often have the biggest trouble reaching the soap so be sure to add a little stool at the sink for them. This will encourage them to wash their hands after using the bathroom. In case the dispenser is ever out of place because a little one has to bring it closer, just gently remind your child to return it to beside the sink. This little act will instill long-lasting habits you will be able to build on.

11. Lotion and Skincare Products

Designate a specific spot for lotions and skincare products. Arrange them in order of use so you can quickly get out and put back bottles as you use them. Not only will this organization make it easy to access them but also create a sense of calm and well-being in your daily routine. Work at creating a spa-like atmosphere because you will be more likely to reset the space if the baseline is beautiful and serene.

12. Shower Soaps

Practice putting the shampoo, conditioner and shower gel bottles back to their designated homes. Instead of leaving them scattered around, take a moment to place them back where they belong. Whether it’s on a shower caddy, a shelf, or in a soap dish, this small act of resetting ensures a clutter-free and tidy bathroom space. Not only does it save you time searching for your products the next time you shower, but it also elevates the overall aesthetics of your bathroom. You will also set the expectation for organization for your kids and help them establish a consistent bathing routine.

13. Fingernail Polishes

Designate a specific storage space, such as a nail polish bag, rack or a box, to keep your nail polish in one place. After finishing your nail care, take a moment to place the nail polishes back where they belong. This simple act not only prevents them from being misplaced but also ensures that your bathroom remains neat and tidy.

white bathroom cabinet with basket to organize cleaners
white bathroom cabinet with basket to organize cleaners
white bathroom cabinet with basket to organize cleaners

14. Cleaning Supplies

Keep a set of bathroom cleaners in a convenient and easy to reach location to motivate you to clean the bathroom more often. I have a basket under our bathroom vanity that holds an all-purpose cleaner, a set of clean rags and a spot to collect dirty rags. I also keep a set of cleaners in my shower cleaning caddy so I can clean the shower while I’m showering. Make sure to keep your bathroom cleaners minimal. You truly don’t need a lot of products to keep your bathroom clean.

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infographic with list of 14 Bathroom Items to Reset to Stay Clutter-Free

I’d love to hear from you!

Do you struggle with putting bathroom items away after you use them? Let me know in the comments below.

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