Simple Weekend Reset for a Successful Week

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

Weekend Home Reset

A couple of years ago I started the habit of a daily evening reset. It started out small and simple with just making sure my sink and counters were cleared off.

Once that simple daily habit was mastered and became a no-brainer task, I expanded my daily reset routine to include four other areas of our home.

You can download my free Daily Reset Checklist to use as an example for your own home or to create your own checklist.

Because I gained so much peace from a daily reset habit, I decided to create other reset habits as well. A weekend reset was the next habit I established.

It started out with an overwhelming list of seven tasks but I’ve narrowed it down to three main areas that are essential for a successful week to come.

My Bare Essential Weekend Reset

  • Reset my calendar & time blocking
  • Reset meal plan
  • Reset laundry

Here’s a look at this past weekend’s reset.

Each week I’m sharing with you what our weekend reset actually looks like.

It’s not about having a perfect reset each and every weekend but rather consistently making progress with tiny habits and being mindful of this reset routine.

You may forget you wanted to start this habit and the good thing about this routine is that it comes around every weekend so you always have a chance to begin again.

Keep beginning each weekend if you have to until you notice your start-ups become more regular.

Sometimes I might add more to our reset and sometimes the weekend may look less productive but I always try to complete the bare essential reset.

I’ve discovered that if we don’t accomplish anything else for the weekend these are the necessary tasks for our home to run smoothly for the rest of the week.

Listen to the Podcast

I always start my reset routine by updating my calendars.

I love using a paper calendar! But it took me a loooong time to be consistent with using one and develop the habit.

When my kids got older and started joining sports teams and after-school activities keeping up with a planner was the only way to keep track of who needed to be where.

I have consistently used the At-A-Glance Harmony calendar for two years and I love it! This is now my go-to calendar every year.

We manage our home with a shared virtual family calendar.

Jered and I sync our virtual calendars on our phones but I’m a visual person. I need to see the big picture all in one spot. I also don’t like being on my phone too much.

As the kids have gotten older and have received their own smartphones, we’ve added them to our shared family calendar. This has cut down on miscommunication and helps keep everyone on the same page.

I try to sit down sometime on Sunday and make sure my paper calendar mimics our virtual calendar in the monthly view.

I’ve found that I can meal plan more accurately after I’ve looked at what events are scheduled for the week.

Time Blocking the Week

Time-blocking in my planner’s weekly view helps me make sure my fundamental needs and goals are being met for the week.

I like the visual representation of the hours I spend in each of the areas that are important to me as it keeps me balanced and prevents me from becoming a workaholic. That’s very possible because I enjoy my work a lot.

When I start feeling guilty for not spending enough time with my family, I have my calendar to let me know that I’m blocking big chunks of family time.

It also let me know I only have a certain amount of hours allotted for work so I need to use my time wisely within my workbook and not waste it scrolling social media or comparing myself to other people on the internet. *Guilty*

Here are this week’s time blocks.

My Essential Time-Blocks

I keep my time blocks for planning each day super simple. Can you tell that I like everything SIMPLE yet?

I break my day down into my four main time blocks:

  • Personal time (morning & evening)
  • Family time
  • Work time
  • Homeschool time

I try to keep any related tasks within the designated time block. This helps me stay focused and am to complete tasks because I’m not jumping around to different types of tasks.

However, during my work block, I do take breaks, and I use a Pomodoro timer to make sure I take those much-needed breaks.

During my 30-minute breaks, I may walk out into the garden and pull weeds or check the chicken coop for eggs.

Nothing that requires too much-concentrated effort so my mind doesn’t fully get out of work mode.

If you don’t tell your time how it should be spent, you will find yourself wasting it away.

Weekly Meal Planning

Now that I know what events are planned for the week, I sit down and plan some meals that are simple to cook around our schedule.

We try to avoid fast-food as much as possible, and if I don’t plan our meals ahead of time, we will end up running through the drive-thru more than I want.

With late evening sports practices and dance classes that can easily happen.

I make a bigger shopping trip every two weeks and a small one in between.

I always look in the refrigerator and pantry to see what ingredients I have left over and plan my meals and grocery list based on what I already have.

This week ended up being a short grocery list since it’s the second week after the bigger shopping trip.

I keep a simple meal plan tear pad on the refrigerator.

It’s the only thing on the refrigerator because I want to actually refer to it instead of it competing with other clutter.

Here is this week’s meal plan.

Meal Planning for Travel Baseball and Travel Soccer

The boys are both a part of travel sports teams and at least two of our weekends every month is spent playing either locally or out of town.

For this reason, I plan for a least one meal for eating out on each of the days we’re away and pack a cooler with food I know my family enjoys.

This helps to cut down on going to the concession stand which is typically much more expensive.

Our Favorite Snacks for Travel Ballgames

Though I really want to be a crunchy mom and feed my kids all the healthy snacks, I falling to peer pressure because the other baseball moms are killing it in the snack department.

I compromise and save the fun, unhealthy snacks for the ballfield. Otherwise, they eat pretty healthily at home.

Weekend Laundry Reset

We have a pretty well-established daily laundry routine but every once in a while we get behind like everyone else I’m sure.

I use the weekend to make sure we’re caught up and all laundry is reset to the closets and drawers that way we can start the new week fresh.

You can read more about How to Stay on Top of Laundry with Habit Stacking.

Updates Around the Farm

The weekends are always a great time for Jered and me to tackle renovations and house projects and since we didn’t have any travel ball games due to the Easter holiday we were able to tend to some yard management.

We finally cut down the palm tree in the garden, and I love the results!

I’m not a fan of cutting down trees but I gave this little palm more life than what she was worth.

It was located on one side of the garden right in front of a couple of my kitchen windows which blocked my views of the chicken coop and horse pasture.

I love the tree not being in the garden anymore! It opens up the area and feels fresh and spacious instead of crowded and messy.

Here’s what the garden with the palm tree looked like last summer.
The garden isn’t crowded and the house looks more open and inviting now.

I’d love to hear from you!

How was your weekend? Did you spend Easter with your family or do anything special? What did you reset over the weekend to prepare for a better week?

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