4 Mistakes You’re Making with Your Home Management Habits (And How to Fix Them)

As a busy mom, you know that maintaining a clean, tidy, and clutter-free home can feel like a never-ending challenge. It’s not just about keeping up appearances; having effective home management habits impacts productivity, time management, and overall well-being.

I understand that you want to create a comfortable and organized space for your family to thrive, and that’s why I’m here to help you transform your home cleaning habits and home management systems.

In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at 4 common mistakes that might be preventing you from achieving the clutter-free home you desire, and most importantly, I’ll provide practical tips and strategies to help you overcome these hurdles.

By addressing these pitfalls, you’ll not only save time but also reduce your stress and create a more peaceful home for your family.

infographic of a black and white background with text "4 Mistakes You're Making in Your Home Management Habits"

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Mistake #1: Avoiding Tasks

It’s all too easy to find yourself avoiding tasks, especially when it comes to home management. Procrastination might seem like a temporary solution, but in reality, it only leads to more stress and anxiety.

As you put off tasks, they pile up, and before you know it, you’re overwhelmed with a mountain of incomplete chores.

Simplify the environment and what’s required

There are ways to overcome task avoidance and make your home management habits more efficient.

The best way to beat task avoidance is to make tasks super obvious and easy to complete. This can be easily achieved by simplifying your home and what’s required to keep it up.

This is where minimalism comes in handy. The less you own the less you have to manage.

Set deadlines for each task

Another tip to overcome avoiding tasks is setting deadlines for each chore. By having a specific time frame in mind, you’ll be more motivated to complete the task and less likely to put it off.

Deadlines also help you prioritize tasks based on their importance, ensuring that you’re focusing on what truly matters.

A simple exercise for prioritizing your chores is to make a list of all the tasks you think you’re responsible for. Then use the Delete, Delegate, and Automate method for this master to-do list.

  • Delete tasks that are unimportant to you.
  • Delegate tasks that someone else can do for you.
  • Automate tasks that can be done without much thought.

Establish a routine

Finally, establishing a routine can work wonders for improving your home management habits. Routines create a sense of structure and predictability, making it easier for you to stay on top of your tasks. Start by setting aside specific times of the day or week for certain chores, and before long, you’ll find that they become second nature.

MOM TIP: Optimize your environment in your home in order to make your habits and routines a no-brainer to do.

Mistake #2: Trying to Do Too Much Without Getting Help

As a mom, it’s natural to want to be a superhero and take on everything yourself.

However, trying to do too much without getting help can lead to some serious consequences. Overburdening yourself can result in burnout, which leaves you feeling exhausted and unable to function at your best.

Ineffectiveness is another side effect, as you may struggle to complete tasks to the best of your ability when stretched too thin.

Also, taking on too much can have a negative impact on your family and relationships, as your stress and fatigue can spill over into your interactions with your loved ones.

Delegate tasks to family members

The good news is that there are strategies you can implement to ask for and accept help, easing the burden of your home management responsibilities.

Start by delegating tasks to family members. Even young children can contribute by helping with age-appropriate chores.

This not only lightens your load but also instills a sense of responsibility and teamwork within the family.

Here are some chores your kids can do at any age:

  • Daily reset habits
  • Morning routines habits
  • Before and after meal routines
  • Simple chores that can be repeated daily for mastery.

Don’t hesitate to communicate your needs with your spouse, friends, and extended family. Sometimes, others are more than willing to lend a hand but may not be aware that you need help.

By being open and honest about your struggles, you create an opportunity for others to step in and provide support.

image of a white board on a pantry door in a farmhouse with text of chores for kids

Consider hiring help or outsourcing tasks

Additionally, consider hiring help or outsourcing tasks if it’s within your budget.

Whether it’s hiring a cleaning service, a babysitter, or even using a meal delivery service, these options can free up valuable time and energy for you to focus on other important aspects of your life.

Two weeks ago I hired a teenager from my church as my personal assistant. She comes to the house every Friday and helps me with tasks I have trouble getting around to. In addition, I’m helping her earn a little money and learn some valuable skills such as simple home management strategies and running a business from home.

I’ve always been one to do it all myself because I didn’t trust anyone to do as well as I would but taking time to efficiently train her is worth having the extra support instead of doing everything myself all the time.

Build a support network of fellow moms

Building a support network of fellow moms can be an invaluable resource.

Sharing tips, advice, and experiences with other moms can provide encouragement and guidance in your journey to better home management habits.

This year I have become good friends with another homeschool mom friend whose children are similar in age to my own. Recently we have started trading days with having all the kids at each of our houses.

Sure it would be great to get together with her but it’s also nice to have the house to myself to catch up on cleaning or computer work. Just having time to think without the fear of being interrupted is a gift that I look forward to each week. 

Remember, asking for help doesn’t mean you’re failing as a mom; it’s a sign that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to create a happy, healthy home environment for your family.

MOM TIP: Stop trying to do it all. You’re actually accomplishing nothing. Play the damsel in distress and let yourself get any help that is offered.

Mistake #3: Multi-tasking

In today’s fast-paced world, multitasking may seem like the ultimate solution to getting more done in less time.

However, the truth is that multitasking can be more of a hindrance than a help. Studies have shown that multitasking leads to decreased productivity, as our brains struggle to effectively manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Additionally, multitasking can increase stress levels, as you may feel overwhelmed by trying to juggle several tasks at once.

Focus on one task at a time

To improve your home management habits, it’s essential to avoid the multi-tasking trap and instead focus on one task at a time.

By giving your full attention to a single chore, you’ll be able to complete it more efficiently and with better results.

This focused approach will not only boost your productivity but also reduce stress levels.

One strategy that helps me stay focused one on task at a time is counting out loud until the task at hand is finished. The audible reminder keeps me on track and not squirreling off to another task.

Use time-blocking techniques

One helpful technique to avoid multi-tasking is time-blocking. This involves scheduling specific blocks of time for each task and sticking to this schedule as closely as possible. By dedicating a set amount of time to each chore, you’ll be more inclined to focus on the task at hand and less tempted to switch between tasks.

Time-blocking has become my superpower for managing my mind for the past three years. I tend to be easily distracted or waste a lot of time thinking about things I don’t need to be thinking about during particular moments of the day. With time-blocking, I’ve been able to wrangle my wondering mind and give it certain times of the day to think about or worry about different activities or tasks.

Limit distractions

Lastly, limiting distractions is crucial in avoiding multitasking.

Create a dedicated workspace or environment for completing tasks that are free from distractions like your phone, television, or other interruptions. This will enable you to fully concentrate on the task at hand and complete it more efficiently.

Also, simplifying your home is a big way to limit your distractions by eliminating overwhelming clutter.

By optimizing your space in a way that supports your goal habits, you’ll find that your productivity and overall satisfaction with your home management routine will significantly improve.

MOM TIP: You are wasting your life away on your phone. The life you want to be living isn’t on your phone. It’s right in front of you in the physical world. Be satisfied with it and stop living through someone else’s life on your phone.

Mistake #4: Not Completing One Task Fully Before Moving on to the Next

It’s not uncommon to find yourself moving from one task to another without fully completing the first one. This habit, known as task-hopping, might feel like you’re making progress, but it often results in a long list of unfinished tasks. In the end, you’re left with a decreased sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, as you never truly feel like you’ve completed anything.

Set and follow a task completion checklist

To break the cycle of task-hopping and improve your home management habits, there are several strategies you can put into practice.

First, set and follow a task completion checklist. As you work through a chore, tick off each step as it’s completed. T

his visual representation of your progress will help keep you on track and ensure you don’t jump to another task before the current one is finished.

Keep your checklist simple. I like to use Post-it notes or a dry-erase board and only give myself three tasks at a time. Any more than that and I lose my drive because I can usually complete just three tasks very quickly.

Reward yourself for completing tasks

Another helpful tip is to reward yourself for completing tasks. This can be as simple as enjoying a cup of tea or taking a short break, or something more elaborate like a self-care day once you’ve completed a larger project.

By associating task completion with a positive reward, you’ll be more motivated to finish what you’ve started.

I’ve been using a Pomodoro timer lately which reminds me to take breaks every 25 minutes. Instead of continuing to work even when I have the drive and motivation to do so, I make myself take the recommended break and treat myself to something enjoyable like reading a couple of pages in my books or walking outside in my garden. Rewarding yourself for completing tasks can be super simple but very effective with your productivity.

Create accountability by sharing your goals with someone

Finally, creating accountability through sharing your goals with someone can be an effective way to ensure task completion. Whether it’s your spouse, a family member, or a friend, having someone who knows your goals and can check in on your progress will make you more likely to follow through.

I’ve even used social media for accountability! I would simply post on my stories what I’m planning on doing, tell my friends to stay tuned for a follow-up, and then post my check-in once I completed the project. Now that I’m not using social media as much, I do this same method over text with a friend.

MOM TIP: Completing the task can be the reward. It can be that simple. Don’t be so needy. Find pleasure in a task well-done.

Try one of these strategies for managing the chores in your home!

Try implementing one of these tips in your home management routine today. My biggest recommendation is simplifying your home and staging your home environment to support easy home management habits. This one change can make a significant difference in your productivity and your ability to enjoy your home more.

I’d love to hear from you!

Which one of these mistakes is your biggest pitfall in completing chores in your home? Which one of these tips are you going to implement right now? Choose just one and let me know in the comments below.

P.S. If you’re reading this, I know you’re trying to be a great mom. So I thought you might be interested in reading about how to organize your kids’ sentimental things. I share some great ways to declutter your kids’ stuff while still keeping what’s most important to you safe.

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