3 Simple Steps to Clean Your Shower in Less Time

Are you tired of spending hours scrubbing your shower and bathtub?

Do you wish there was an easier way to keep your shower clean without the hassle?

Well, guess what? It’s possible!

In this blog post, we’ll explore an efficient and effective shower cleaning system that will help you maintain a clean shower at all times.

With just a few simple steps and the right tools, you’ll be able to effortlessly keep your shower clean, even with a busy household.

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Step 1: Gather Non-toxic Cleaning Supplies

To start off, you’ll need to gather a few essential cleaning supplies that will make your shower cleaning routine a breeze.

Here are six must-have non-toxic items to include in your shower cleaning kit:

1. Scotch-Brite Scour Pads

I love these green scrubby sponges! I keep one beside every sink and in every shower in my house because they are so good at cleaning any grime or residue on different surfaces.

2. Container of Baking Soda

Put some baking soda in an airtight container to keep in your shower. Baking soda is a natural and effective cleaner that can help eliminate odors and remove stains. It works as a great non-toxic soft scrub as well.

3. Non-Toxic Cleaner

Choose a non-toxic cleaner that is safe to use in your shower. Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner is a great option. Mix it with water and put it in a spray bottle for convenient application.

4. Long-Handled Brush

Get a long-handled brush that will allow you to reach the corners and crevices of your shower easily. This will help keep grime and mildew at bay.

5. Plastic Cup

If you have little kids, you may already keep a plastic cup in your shower but if not, a plastic cup is useful for rinsing the baking soda or cleaner off the shower walls and the tub in case you don’t have a detachable shower nozzle.

6. Shower Cleaning Caddy

Find a small plastic caddy with command strips that can be attached to your shower wall. Use this caddy to organize and store your cleaning supplies, keeping them easily accessible during your shower.

Why Should You Use Non-toxic Cleaners

Well, for starters have you ever cleaned up close with bleach? Anytime I’ve ever cleaned with bleach my nose hairs feel like they’ve been burned off.

But seriously, for the system I’m sharing with you in this post, you’ll be cleaning your shower daily WHILE you’re in the shower so it’s important that you choose cleaners that are better for your health and the environment.

Non-toxic cleaners are safer for your health. Traditional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin, eyes, and respiratory system. By opting for non-toxic alternatives, you reduce the risk of exposure to harmful substances.

Non-toxic cleaners are also environmentally friendly. Conventional cleaning products can release toxic chemicals into the air and water supply, contributing to pollution and harming ecosystems. Choosing non-toxic cleaners helps minimize your ecological footprint and promotes a healthier planet.

Despite what you may have always believed, non-toxic cleaners are often just as effective as chemical cleaners. I’ve been using natural non-toxic cleaners for seven years and our health has never been better proving that you can achieve a clean and fresh shower without sacrificing your well-being or the environment.

Step 2: Set Up Your Shower Cleaning Caddy

Now that you have all your cleaning supplies, it’s time to set up your shower cleaning caddy.

Placing a shower cleaning caddy inside your shower instead of under the sink in your bathroom offers convenience and efficiency.

By having your cleaning supplies readily available in the shower, you eliminate the need to search for them elsewhere, saving you time and effort. It allows you to seamlessly integrate shower cleaning into your daily routine without any additional steps or trips to retrieve cleaning products.

With a shower cleaning caddy, you can effortlessly access your tools and cleaners while you’re already in the shower, making it easier to wipe down the walls and tub regularly.

This strategic placement also serves as a visual reminder to clean, increasing the likelihood of maintaining a consistently clean shower. Plus, keeping your cleaning supplies within reach prevents clutter under the sink and frees up space for other bathroom essentials.

Tips for Setting Up Your Shower Cleaning Caddy

  1. Position

    Choose a spot for your shower cleaning caddy that is away from the direct flow of water, ensuring it’s convenient for you to access while showering. If you have a bathtub, place the caddy on the opposite side of the showerhead.

  2. Height

    For safety reasons, position the caddy slightly higher to keep it out of children’s reach. Remember, the cleaning products are non-toxic, but you want to avoid any accidents.

By setting up your shower cleaning caddy, you’re making the routine obvious and easily achievable, increasing the likelihood of completing the task consistently.

Functionality is More Important Than Aesthetics

For busy moms, function often takes precedence over aesthetics due to the practicality and efficiency it offers. With numerous responsibilities and limited time, moms need solutions that streamline their daily routines and make their lives easier.

Functionality ensures that tasks can be completed quickly and effortlessly, allowing moms to maximize their productivity.

It’s Possible to Still Look Good

However, that doesn’t mean aesthetics have to be sacrificed entirely. By opting for smart organizational systems and versatile designs, busy moms can easily achieve both function and aesthetics.

For example, investing in storage solutions that are not only functional but also visually appealing can help keep the home organized while adding a touch of style.

Step 3: Clean Your Shower Daily While You Shower

Now that you have your supplies and your caddy in place, it’s time to put your shower cleaning system into action.

Shower Cleaning Routine

Here’s a breakdown of how to incorporate shower cleaning effortlessly into your daily routine:

  1. Daily Wipe Down:

    If you shower daily, take advantage of this opportunity to clean your shower.

    On days when you don’t wash your hair, grab the green sponge and wipe down the walls and tub while you’re showering.

    No need to bend down or spend extra time later; just do it as part of your showering routine.

    This quick wipe-down takes less than a minute and helps maintain a clean shower every day.

  2. Deep Cleaning Days

    On days when you wash your hair, take a few extra steps to deep clean your shower.

    After adding conditioner to your hair, turn off the water, sprinkle baking soda around the surfaces, and spray the all-purpose cleaner on top.

    Use the green sponge and the long-handled brush to scrub the corners and tough spots.

    Then, simply turn the water back on, rinse out your conditioner and the baking soda with a cup or spray nozzle, and finish your shower as usual.

Utilize the Power of Habit Stacking

Habit stacking is a powerful strategy that saves time and energy while helping us stay on top of our chores.

By leveraging the concept of habit stacking, we can seamlessly integrate new habits into our existing routines, making them more automatic and effortless. Rather than approaching each chore as a separate task, habit stacking allows us to bundle related activities together, optimizing our time and energy expenditure.

Wipe Down the Shower Everytime You Shower

So when you’re taking a shower, which you probably already do daily and has become a habit, you can clean your shower while showering. By combining tasks in this way, we not only make efficient use of our time but also make chores feel less overwhelming.

Habit stacking helps us build a rhythm of completing tasks consistently, reducing the mental effort required to decide what to do next. It simplifies our daily routines, allowing us to maintain a clean and organized living space without feeling overwhelmed by chores.

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I’d love to hear from you!

Do you think putting a shower cleaning caddy in your shower is going to help you stay on top of cleaning your shower? Let me know what’s coming up for you in the comments below.

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