Tiny Farmhouse Laundry Room Makeover

Laundry Room in Our Kitchen

Do you have a small laundry room and can’t seem to keep it organized or decluttered?

Are you always behind in laundry and can’t figure out a good routine?

Check out this video to see how we stay on top of our laundry as a family while having a tiny laundry space in our 70-year farmhouse kitchen!

You thought your laundry room was tiny! Check this out. If we can do it so can you!

farmhouse kitchen with center island and bar stools
farmhouse kitchen with washing machine, dryer and refrigerator

Our Farmhouse Kitchen Before Renovations

When we bought our farmhouse in 2018, we inherited the home as is with the washing and drying machines in a corner of the kitchen. The layout of the entire kitchen was odd, and I can understand why the previous owners decided on the kitchen to be the location for the laundry space.  This house is limited in closets and storage rooms and they had no other option.

farmhouse kitchen demolition
farmhouse renovation with husband and wife duo

Changes had to Be Made

After living in the house for only a few months and experiencing the awkward layout in our normal daily routines, I started thinking of ways to reconfigure the kitchen. I knew we had to keep the washing area in the kitchen somehow since there were no other available spots inside the house, and though I grew up with the laundry room being in an outdoor shed, Jered wasn’t keen on the idea.

The renovations created a huge mess! And I learned quickly that what I could do in four hours Jered could complete in ten minutes. I’m so thankful for my husband.


farmhouse laundry room with washing machine and dryer
farmhouse stove in kitchen with washer and dryer to left

Our New Laundry Space

Though it’s not “normal” by American standards to have a laundry room in the kitchen, I’ve actually loved it. I’m able to get so much done in fewer steps. Everything is right at my fingertips. I can be waiting for a pot to boil while standing there folding laundry. I’m not sure if we’ll ever build our dream laundry room addition now.

woman folding clothes in farmhouse kitchen

Our Laundry Routine and Habits

My entire laundry routine goes something like this:

  • 9:00 PM – Start a load in the washing machine.
  • 5:30 AM – Switch the clothes to the dryer before working out.
  • 8:00 AM – Fold clothes and hand them to kids to put away or
  • 6:00 PMish – Jered folds clothes while watching t.v. and we put them away before bed.

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What does your laundry routine look like?

I’d love to know about your laundry routine. Do you have a good system in place? What habits are you struggling with? Let me know in the comments below.

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You don’t have to stay stuck in your clutter. You don’t have to stay on the hamster wheel of bad habits that create mess and chaos in your home. You can be FREE!

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