Step #1 to Better Time Management for ADHD Moms

Do you ever look at the clock and wonder where the day went?

Or even what you did that day?

If you’re like many ADHD moms, time management might seem like a never-ending battle.

You’re juggling kids, meals, work, and maybe squeezing in a moment for yourself—only to end up feeling like you’ve barely made a dent in your to-do list.

When it comes to how we spend our time, our choice is usually dictated by whatever is needed by our kids and family.

It’s like spinning plates, right?

We rush around trying to keep all the plates spinning at the same time.

But the one plate we neglect that sadly ends up toppling over most times is our own basic fundamental needs.

So many times we push our own needs to the back burner, thinking we’ll get to it “later.”

By the time we’re done taking care of everyone else, it’s just more work to focus on taking care of ourselves.

But what if prioritizing your fundamental needs could actually help you handle everything else better?

Step #1 to Better Time Management for ADHD Moms

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What is a fundamental need?

Fundamental needs are the basics you need every day to feel good and function well.

Think of them as your personal must-haves for a balanced, happy life.

For ADHD moms, knowing these needs is super important because it helps you avoid getting too stressed or burned out.

When you understand what you really need to thrive, you can make better choices that keep you energized and ready to handle whatever comes your way.

It’s not selfish to focus on your fundamental needs; it’s smart.

By looking after yourself, you’re in a better place to take care of your family and tackle your daily tasks.

Help with clutter! Online coaching with Lisa Lizotte
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SIMPLE, focused homework for the week
Tailored coaching for YOUR lifestyle
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Family-friendly and Christian-based coaching

How to schedule your fundamental needs?

Making time for your fundamental needs might seem tricky with a packed schedule, but it’s key to your well-being.

One effective way to ensure you meet these needs is by incorporating them into your daily time blocks.

Start by mapping out your typical day and identifying specific times that can be dedicated to your needs.

For instance, you might set aside early morning for exercise, late evening for alone time, or a weekend hour for hobbies.

Treat these time blocks as fixed appointments, just like you would for a work meeting or a parent-teacher conference.

By scheduling your needs into your day, you’re making a commitment to yourself.

This structured approach not only helps in managing time better but also ensures that you’re giving attention to those personal essentials that keep you feeling balanced and fulfilled.

Remember, if it’s in your calendar, it’s more likely to happen.

Make yourself a priority, and watch how this small change can make a big difference in managing your daily life and boosting your overall happiness.

The Habits and Home Accountability Club Each month you'll get ONE new decluttering and organizing course TWO group coaching calls (replays provided) DAILY accountability with me in the mobile app

What are my fundamental needs?

Your fundamental needs can shift depending on the season of life you’re in or what you need to prioritize to feel your best.

Here are some examples of my own fundamental needs to give you some ideas.

Feel free to use these as inspiration to figure out what truly supports your well-being and helps you thrive in your current situation.

1. Alone time

Alone time is absolutely essential for me, especially as a busy mom raising kids.

I’m an introvert, and I need that quiet time to recharge my batteries.

My alone time could be spent in various ways—connecting with God, going for a peaceful walk, cleaning up around the house, or diving into a good book.

Each of these activities offers me a chance to reset and find my center.

Making sure I have this time is crucial for my mental and emotional health.

It allows me to step back from the daily hustle, collect my thoughts, and return to my family duties feeling refreshed and more capable of handling whatever comes my way.

2. 8 Hours of Sleep

Getting 8 hours of sleep is crucial for me.

If I don’t get enough rest, my anxiety gets worse and everything feels more overwhelming.

To ensure I sleep well, I start winding down early.

I tidy up the house during the day so everything feels settled by evening.

I also keep a strict bedtime routine for the kids, making sure they’re in bed on time.

This helps me have a quiet evening and get to bed at a good hour.

I’ve also set boundaries with using my phone at night because I could easily be on it for hours.

Instead, I’ve started reading fiction books, which seem to instantly put me to sleep.

Help with clutter! Online coaching with Lisa Lizotte
Twelve 45-Minute Zoom Sessions
SIMPLE, focused homework for the week
Tailored coaching for YOUR lifestyle
Decluttering, systems, habits, and routines
12 weeks of accountability through text
Family-friendly and Christian-based coaching

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3. Time with my husband

Time with my husband is another fundamental need for me.

It’s crucial for us to stay connected amidst the hustle of daily life.

Spending quality time together helps us maintain our bond and ensures we’re on the same page.

Whether it’s sharing our day over a glass of wine, watching a favorite show together, or simply talking after the kids are in bed, these moments are vital.

Since before we became parents, we’ve always made date nights a priority.

When the kids were little we got babysitters from our church, and now that they’re teenagers, they can easily stay home together while we go on a day.

This dedicated time together not only strengthens our relationship but also provides a sense of partnership and support, which is especially important in a busy household.

Making sure we carve out this time together helps us both feel more grounded and united as we tackle whatever challenges come our way.

4. Quality time with my children

Quality time with my kids is absolutely essential for me.

It’s one of my top priorities to ensure I’m present and engaged in their lives.

I make a conscious effort to limit distractions when we’re together, especially during car rides before and after school.

This is our special time to catch up, share stories, or simply enjoy each other’s company without the interference of screens or other interruptions.

I also show genuine interest in their extracurricular activities by being actively involved.

Tucking them into bed each night is another cherished routine.

It’s a quieter moment for us to connect, whether we’re reading a story together, reflecting on their day, or just having a heartfelt chat.

These bedtime rituals are precious to me as they reinforce our connection and ensure my kids feel loved and valued.

5. Time to clean my house

Having a clean and tidy house is not just a preference for me—it’s a necessity.

I thrive in a clutter-free environment.

It calms my mind and makes me feel more in control of my day.

To maintain this, I’ve set up daily reset routines.

Each evening, I take some time to tidy up, ensuring that I wake up to a clean and orderly home.

This daily habit sets a positive tone for my day.

For keeping things consistently clean, I use a weekly cleaning rotation.

This involves light cleaning tasks that keep the house in good shape without feeling overwhelming.

On a monthly basis, I tackle a deeper clean through a zone cleaning schedule.

Each room gets its turn, ensuring nothing is neglected.

In addition to these routines, inside The Accountability Club, I am decluttering one room each month which keeps the clutter and chaos at bay.

Help with clutter! Online coaching with Lisa Lizotte
Twelve 45-Minute Zoom Sessions
SIMPLE, focused homework for the week
Tailored coaching for YOUR lifestyle
Decluttering, systems, habits, and routines
12 weeks of accountability through text
Family-friendly and Christian-based coaching

6. Time for my hobbies

Having time for my hobbies is really important to me.

I love gardening, reading, and playing the piano.

These activities help me unwind and bring a lot of joy into my life.

I’ve also been wanting to learn to sketch portraits and paint with watercolors.

For a long time, I didn’t make consistent time for these hobbies.

Life just seemed too packed with other things.

However, I realized that cutting back on social media gave me a bunch of extra time.

Now, I use that time for my hobbies instead.

This switch has made a huge difference.

7. Time for exercise

Exercise has become a fundamental need for me because it boosts my energy and overall well-being.

Whether I’m at the gym or walking with a friend, staying active is key.

But I’ll admit, there was a time when I didn’t prioritize it.

I used to treat exercise as something optional, something I’d do only if I found some spare time.

Naturally, I ended up rarely finding that time.

I changed my approach by scheduling my workouts right after I drop my kids off at school each morning.

This routine, which I guess you could call a habit stack, has really worked for me.

It ensures that exercise isn’t just squeezed into my day—it’s a guaranteed part of it.

This shift has made me much more consistent with my workouts, and I feel so much better for it.

8. Time for friends

Spending time with my close friends is crucial for me, especially as someone who thrives on alone time.

Being around like-minded people really helps me recharge and feel connected.

There’s a Bible verse that captures this perfectly:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one friend sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

It reminds me of the strength and growth we derive from each other.

We talk about everything from motherhood and raising teenagers to our personal interests.

These conversations enrich my life and offer new perspectives.

To make sure we stay connected, I schedule a weekly walk with one of my friends.

It’s our special time to catch up in person and share life’s ups and downs.

I’m also part of several group chats where we exchange everything from recipes to baseball mom memes and words of encouragement.

These chats are a constant source of support and laughter, and they help keep our bond strong, even when we’re busy with our daily lives.

The Habits and Home Accountability Club Each month you'll get ONE new decluttering and organizing course TWO group coaching calls (replays provided) DAILY accountability with me in the mobile app

Need some accountability

Join The Accountability Club for Help Decluttering

If you need a positive community while you’re decluttering and downsizing your home and responsibilities, consider joining The Accountability Club.

It’s a space where you get affordable group coaching, share your journey, and stay accountable with your decluttering projects.

If group settings aren’t your thing and you need more hand-holding and personalized feedback, you can do one-on-one online coaching with me instead.

You’ll get my eyes on your home and a more tailored coaching experience.

Step #1 to Better Time Management for ADHD Moms

I’d love to hear from you!

Okay it’s your turn. Take a moment and think about what your fundamental needs are. Write them down and put them on your weekly calendar.

Share your 8 fundamental needs with me below in the comments.

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One Comment

  1. Here’s my top 8
    1 People time!
    2 Eat 4x per day (struggle bus here)
    3 Drink enough water
    4 Sleep 7 hours
    5 Time with hubby
    6 Time with kids
    7 Clean the house
    8 Craft/Hobbies

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