
Easy Dishwashing Habits That Will Save You Time

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by the never-ending pile of dishes in your sink?

Do you wish there was a simple way to manage dishwashing in your home without feeling like you’re the only one doing them?

Picture this: a kitchen where dishes are neatly organized, and the sink is clean without a dirty plate in sight. A kitchen that exudes a sense of calm and control, where you can enjoy cooking for your family without any added stress.

Let’s face it; life can be hectic, and mundane tasks like washing dishes often take a backseat in the chaos of daily routines.

As a busy mom of three myself, I understand the struggles you face and that’s why I had to figure out a way to stay on top of the dishes in my own home.

This routine will not only simplify your life but also bring a sense of accomplishment and pride in maintaining an organized home.

From the moment you step into your kitchen, you’ll notice the difference. Starting each day with an empty sink and a dishwasher ready to receive the day’s load sets the tone for a clutter-free and efficient experience.

It’s like pressing the reset button on your kitchen and wiping the slate clean.

Gone are the days of procrastination, letting dishes accumulate until the very sight of them triggers stress and anxiety. With this easy-to-follow habit stacking method, you’ll learn to tackle dishes as you use them, banishing that pile-up once and for all.

Whether it’s a quick hand wash or a seamless load into the dishwasher, the process becomes second nature, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t adopt these habits earlier.

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Change Your Mindset Towards Washing Dishes

Before we dive into the three steps of an effective dishwashing system, let’s start by changing your mindset toward dishes.

Rather than mindlessly using and leaving dishes wherever they fall, adopt a more mindful approach.

Life Cycle of Dishes

Think of it as a life cycle of dishes with four simple steps:

  • Choosing a Dish: When you select a dish from the cabinet, you become responsible for its entire cycle.

  • Using the Dish: The dish is used for your meal, and it’s time to take care of it properly.

  • Washing the Dish: After use, wash, dry, and put away the dish.

  • Returning to the Cabinet: The dish finds its way back to where it started, completing the cycle and ready to be used again.

When you leave dishes undone, you’re leaving open a habit loop that can actually drain your energy.

How? Because in the back of your mind, you know you have to come back and deal with the dishes.

How to Have More Energy for Chores

Your brain has the ability to subconsciously reward you when you complete a task by providing you with endorphins (the feel-good hormone.)

The opposite can happen though when a habit loop is incomplete. You actually lose energy when you don’t work.

Have you ever noticed how tired you are after lounging around and how much energy you have when you’ve worked outside or around the house?

Doing chores can actually provide us with more energy instead of depleting it.

The Three-Step Dishwashing System

To streamline your dishwashing process, use this simple three-step system:

  • Start with a clean slate

  • Take care of dishes as you use them

  • Reset your kitchen every evening.

1. Start with a Clean Slate

Whether you hand wash dishes or use a dishwasher, always begin your day with an empty sink and dishwasher.

If you use a dishwasher, either empty it in the morning or the night before.

This is an easy chore you can give your kids too.

Download my dishwashing chore charts.

This clean slate sets the foundation for an organized kitchen.

2. Take Care of Dishes as You Use Them

After each meal, don’t let the dishes pile up.

Be proactive and take care of them right away. If you hand wash dishes, wash, dry, and put them away immediately.

If you use a dishwasher, rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

Developing this habit ensures that your kitchen stays tidy throughout the day.

Once you’ve mastered this “wash as you use” habit, teach it to your kids and train them.

Show them how to rinse their dishes and put them in the dishwasher.

For hand washing, guide them through the steps and encourage them to help.

It may take a while for them to catch on and remember but they will get better and better the more they do it. Don’t give up.

3. Reset Your Kitchen Every Evening

Right after dinner, make it a habit to reset your kitchen.

Complete the dishwashing cycle by ensuring all dishes are washed, dried, and put away or rinsed and loaded into the dishwasher.

With a clean kitchen, you’ll wake up to a fresh start every morning.

As a busy mom, it’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

How to Be Consistent with Washing Dishes

This all sounds amazing, right? And you may start out gun-ho but the excitement may fizzle and consistently staying on top of the never-ending task of washing dishes can be a challenge.

Life’s demands often pull us in various directions, leaving little time for mundane chores. The pile of dishes can quickly accumulate, and before we know it, we find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated by the chaos in the kitchen again.

So how do we safeguard ourselves from dishes piling up?

We’ll use James Clear’s 4 Laws of Behavior Change:

  • Make the habit obvious

  • Make the habit attractive

  • Make the habit easy

  • Make the habit satisfying

How to Make Washing Dishes Obvious

The best way to remind yourself to wash dishes as you use them is to create obvious cues. Cues are visible reminders that prompt us to take action.

In the case of wash dishes, the best cue is creating a dishwashing station at your kitchen sink.

Here is what my kitchen sink looks like and how I’ve organized my cleaning supplies.

How to Make Washing Dishes Attractive

Making washing dishes attractive involves incorporating elements that shift our perception of the task from mundane and tiresome to enjoyable and rewarding.

Here are some strategies to make washing dishes more enjoyable:

  1. Play Music or Listen to Podcasts:

    Create a fun atmosphere in the kitchen by playing your favorite music or listening to interesting podcasts while washing dishes. This is my favorite time to be alone and watch my favorite show.

  2. Use Pleasant Scents:

    Light some candles or run your essential oil diffuser. Aromatherapy can positively impact our mood and make the dishwashing experience more enjoyable.

  3. Set a Timer:

    Challenge yourself to beat the clock by setting a timer while washing dishes. This gamification can make it feel like a race against time and add an element of thrill to the activity as well as get it done faster.

How to Make Washing Dishes Easy

To make washing dishes easy and efficient, consider implementing the following tips and tricks:

  1. Organize the Process:

    Set up a dishwashing station with all the necessary items within reach. This includes dish soap, sponges, scrub brushes, and towels. Having everything organized streamlines the process.

  2. Wash in Order:

    Start with the least greasy and cleanest items like glasses and cutlery, then move on to plates, and finally, the greasiest cookware. This prevents cross-contamination and reduces the need to change the water frequently.

  3. Clean as You Go:

    Rinse and place dishes in the sink as you finish using them while cooking. This prevents food from drying on the dishes, making washing easier later.

How to Make Washing Dishes Satisfying

In addition to some of the other tips I’ve shared, to make washing dishes a satisfying experience, try these ideas:

  1. Reward Yourself:

    Promise yourself a small treat or reward after finishing the dishes. It could be something as simple as enjoying a piece of chocolate or watching an episode of your favorite TV show.

  2. Mindfulness Practice:

    Treat dishwashing as a mindfulness exercise. Focus on the sensory experiences, like the feel of the water and the warmth of the dishes. I call this “allowing yourself to be human.” Practicing mindfulness can make the task more meditative and less burdensome.

  3. Visualize a Clean Kitchen:

    Picture how satisfying and relaxing it will be to have a clean and tidy kitchen after finishing the task. Visualization can motivate you to get through the chore with enthusiasm.

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I’d love to hear from you!

What are your favorite dishwashing cleaners? Do you have your “station” set up so that it’s easy for you and your children to wash dishes?

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