Courtney Albertson homesteading

Suburb Mom Wants to Homestead to Create Family Connection

“I want to teach my boys things that matter.”

Learning homesteading skills has this tendency to bring family members closer together.

Children are naturally drawn to working in dirt and caring for small farm animals.

Some adults also have the desire to get back to their roots – growing food in gardens, canning the extra for later and baking breads at home in stead of always running to the store.

Courtney Albertson’s family just finished their first year of homeschooling, and she too wants start learning basic homesteading skills.

To her, homeschooling and homesteading seem to go hand in hand and those skills are what she really wants her sons to learn.

Listen in to our part two conversation as we cover establishing good habits and routines in the home where everyone has a part and can contribute and how to balance everything while learning to be more self sufficient.

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