Stop Cleaning Your House! Do THIS Instead!

Daily Habits for Minimalist Moms

Are you fed up with the mess around your house? Are you tired of feeling like no matter what you do it’s just never clean enough? Are you searching for a way to keep your home tidy only to continually circle Pinterest for the best cleaning tips?

Friend, stop the madness! It’s time to adopt a reset mindset!

Tidying can be as simple as you standing up to leave the room and looking around to see if there is anything that you can reset. Do you see anything that is out of place that needs to return to its home?

I have stopped cleaning my house all the time, and I’ve learned how to simply reset my home. If it takes me too long at the end of the night to reset, then that means I have too much stuff and that I need to declutter. I need to simplify my possessions and create some systems.

On this episode, I’m sharing with you some of my minimalist mom habits and how I use the habit of resetting to tidy my home at the end of the day.

Friend, these daily habits can help you too. Let’s stop making excuses and stop blaming your circumstances or other people that we just have too much to do. Let’s declutter all the extra stuff and start streamlining our reset habits one step at a time.

Why is resetting is different than cleaning your home?

Resetting your home is short, simple, and gives you a quick sense of peace. It provides you with a quick win.

Simply put, resetting your home is clearing the visual clutter and returning items back to their designated homes.

Does your evening resets take too long?

If your evening reset is taking too long to complete, then you may need to declutter what you have in your house. Removing the clutter leaves you with only what’s necessary for that space.

If your counters are full of clutter, decor, and kitchen gadgets, it’s going to be a lot harder to identify misplaced items and reset your counters. However, if you have a “clear counter rule,” then misplaced items are going to stick out like a sore thumb. You will easily be able to identify what needs to be reset and cleared out of the area.

So how do I make resetting my home easier?

Well, first, you declutter. There’s really no way around it. You probably keep avoiding decluttering your spaces but truly this is what you need to do. If you’re new to decluttering and you feel absolutely overwhelmed, start with one small area at a time.

Then, as I said in last week’s episode, set up some systems that make resetting your home easier. Systems help your home to run smoothly. If you have really good systems your home can actually run without you sometimes. That’s every stressed-out mama’s dream! Start with creating one new system in your kitchen. What is bothering you most about your kitchen right now? Create a system for it.

Make resetting a habit by stacking it on another habit or event. If you eat dinner every night, then get the whole family involved in the kitchen reset afterward. With everyone’s help and involvement, the kitchen reset will be completed faster leaving you time to actually relax in the evening.

Have a reset mindset!

Habits aren’t established every night. They take time to become automatic and actually a part of your daily flow. Don’t give up if you miss a day. But when you miss a day resetting your home, I want you to think about it. I want you to be mindful of the mess you left for your tomorrow’s self. Will she be thankful or will she be wishing you would have hopped back out of bed and just reset? Yes, you can give yourself grace but don’t use grace as your excuse to sabotage your tomorrow.

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woman professional organizer with tips on resetting instead of cleaning

I’d love to hear from you!

Have you started an evening reset habit yet? Let me know how it’s going and if it’s been life-changing for you like it has been for me.

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stop cleaning your home and reset instead

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You don’t have to stay stuck in your clutter. You don’t have to stay on the hamster wheel of bad habits that create mess and chaos in your home. You can be FREE!

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