Organize and Systemize Your Home Like an Assembly Line

Do you feel overwhelmed in your home?

Are you someone who struggles with clarity or direction in life and staying organized in your home? You can’t seem to get anything done and you feel like you’re doing life with one arm tied behind your back.

Today I’m sharing my thoughts with you on how setting your home up using an assembly line model may help you easily flow from one task to another. By doing so, you won’t have to put a lot of thought and effort into what comes next.

Sometimes we get really scatterbrained and disorganized in our homes because we are distracted by all there is to do. We jump from one task to another task without completing the task that we were previously working on. An assembly line model can help retrain our minds to complete one task before moving on to the next.

Tune in to the podcast episode below to hear my three tips for setting up your home like an assembly line so that you are more organized and productive.

Listen to the Podcast

We’re getting into the idea of systemizing and setting up your home like an assembly line model and the best way to learn this process is to download my daily reset checklist. It’s not a magic formula or a magic wand that’s going to amazingly make your life super simple. However, the concept of resetting your home will make managing your home a lot more simple.

If you want to get the most out of this blog post and podcast episode, I recommend downloading that checklist first. We’re going to use that checklist as our baseline for setting our home up as an “assembly line” using the following three tips.

Tip #1: Get to know the natural flow in your home.

Throughout the daily and especially morning and evening times, I want you to pay close attention to the natural flow in your home. What does your schedule typically look like and what actions do you usually take based on that schedule?

Here are a couple of questions for you to answer to get to know your natural flow and routine in your own home.

What does your morning and evening flow look like naturally?

Think about your progression throughout your home in the morning. Do you typically make your bed right away or do you need coffee first? Do you wash your face or get dressed first? What path through your home feels most natural and not forced?

What feels good and not forced?

Sometimes we are influenced by others that we need to have a specific morning routine in order to be a functioning human being but it serves you better if you can get to know what works best for you and your family. I think it’s best to follow a path through your home so that you’re not having to backtrack.

image of a woman standing in the kitchen drinking coffee

Need help decluttering?

Tip #2: Simplify and systemize the environment in your home to support your flow.

If there are things that are getting in the way of you naturally moving throughout your home, you will want to simplify and systemize your environment to support your flow.

Here are some more questions to guide you through simplifying your home to create a space that supports your mental well-being and productivity.

Is your home environment complicated?

When we bring too much stuff into our homes, our homes can get messy and cluttered which can create a sense of chaos and confusion. I’ve heard people get stuck before they can even begin decluttering because they don’t know where to start. Simply put, it’s just too much. Simplifying your home through the process of decluttering will allow it to be less complicated.

Are there too many obstacles in your home that create clutter and chaos?

Clutter creates obstacles in our home. If you are trying to get dressed in the morning to leave for work but there are clothes all over the floor, stuffed in laundry baskets, and still in the dryer, you have obstacles in your way from getting dressed effortlessly and in a timely manner. By decluttering and setting up systems in your home for various tasks, you will cut down on the time it takes to complete those activities. Decluttering can become your superpower if you’re ready!

Does your environment support you and make your habits and routines easy to complete?

By setting up your home in a specific way that is tailored to your lifestyle and your natural daily flow, you will create an environment that supports you and your daily habits. When the steps of a task are obvious, you are more likely to follow through. The more you follow through with tasks the more successful you feel even if it’s just placing your shoes in the correct location upon arriving home each day. Take the necessary step to create an environment that supports you in achieving your goals.

infographic with text "Systemize Your Home According to Your Natural Flow"

Tip #3: Slow down your flow so you can actually follow it.

Think of the natural flow you take throughout your home in the morning and evening like an assembly line model. In an assembly line, there is always one task to complete before the product can go to the next station. Consider yourself as the product. What needs to be completed for you in this station, or room, before you can move on to the next room in your home? If you are moving too fast throughout the rooms there will more than likely be unfinished tasks or steps so that is why it is good to slow down your flow and your progression through your home.

Here are a couple of questions to help you think about the speed at which you’re going through your home and how you can learn to slow down.

Are you giving yourself enough time to move throughout your home?

We think tasks and activities take a lot less time to complete than what we allot for them. What harm are we causing to give ourselves extra time? In case we get that extra time, we are able to give ourselves time for rest, reflection, and space to be human. Despite what most of us moms think, we are truly not superhumans. It is okay to take extra time to complete a task even if it’s for the very reason that you want to daydream. Most of us have been brainwashed to think daydreaming is laziness or unproductivity yet most adults long for the days when they could just be bored.

Are you committing to too many tasks and responsibilities which you don’t have enough time for?

When you take on too many tasks and responsibilities you begin to push the boundaries of your capacity to its limit. When you take on too much but don’t give yourself enough time to do what you’ve committed to, you will become overwhelmed. Chaos is created in the overwhelm. Try simplifying the responsibilities you take on and give yourself a wide margin to complete those tasks. If you don’t have enough time, it’s okay to say “no” or “not at this time.”

Are you being mindful and intentional about your actions or just reacting to what life throws at you?

When you are proactive in your home, you are trying to foresee needs before they arise. By slowing down, you are allowing yourself the time, space, and mental energy to think through the potential needs your family has. Most of the time though, we live in reaction mode to our home environment. We feel like we are constantly just putting out fires or meeting the demands of our family. By thinking ahead and giving yourself extra time and margin you won’t be caught off guard when things come up.


Get help simplifying your home today!

You don’t have to stay stuck in your clutter. You don’t have to stay on the hamster wheel of bad habits that create mess and chaos in your home. You can be FREE!

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infographic with a blue background with text "3 tips for organizing your home like an assembly line"

I’d love to hear from you!

Have you taken time to become more aware of the natural flow you take in your home or do you feel like you are living in a hamster wheel that you can’t seem to get off of? Which one of these tips did you find most helpful? Also, if you’re ready to start decluttering your home, LET’S CHAT!

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infographic with text "Systemize Your Home According to Your Natural Flow"
infographic of a home with text "Organize and Systemize Your Home Like an Assembly Line"

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Get unstuck!

I know it’s scary to ask for help. You don’t want to show anyone your clutter or that you’re an unorganized person. But you don’t have to feel ashamed anymore. You are safe with me and I’m going to gently walk you through the steps of decluttering your home. Let’s chat!

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