Hot Mess Express! - 4 Tips for Leaving Your Home Tidy When You Walk Out the Door

Stop Feeling Like Hot Mess Express!

4 Tips for Leaving Your Home Tidy When You Walk Out the Door

Do you ever find yourself walking out the door of your home feeling like a frazzled hot mess express?

You probably left some dishes on the counter, clothes on the bed or floor, and one or two important items you needed for the errands you’re about the run.

You probably yelled at your kids a couple of times and now sitting in the car realizing that they didn’t even do the tasks you demanded of them.

You may even be cussing under your breath or guilting yourself for losing your cool when you went to bed last night with the intention of being a gentle parent.

You wish you could have a pleasant morning without your bloodpressure rising, get the help of everyone to tidy up the home and walk out the door without worrying about the mess you’re gonna to come back home to.

I know what that feels like. There are days we get off track too.

It’s usually the days that we’re staying too busy, we haven’t gotten enough sleep or we’re not as organzied as we should be in our.

Those are the days I feel like the world is against me.

Nothing is going right, I’m losing my cool and self-control and I think to myself, “What is your problem? Get your life together.”

FRIEND, one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is the gift of resetting home.

Trust me when I tell you that there aren’t many greater things for us mamas than arriving back home to a clean and tidy house.

I wouldn’t be here telling you this if it wasn’t worth figuring out!

I have some tips for you today and a system to help you get your crap together, manage your time and your home better, and be able to walk out the door with a tidy home waiting for your return.

Figure this thing out and your days leaving the home will be as good as gold.

If you need that extra support and don’t want to go at this decluttering thing alone, I’ve got you covered with my Clutter and Habits Coaching program.

Wait no more. Click HERE and get started with one of my private coaching packages.

This way you can skip all the tips and trying to make them work for you.

My eyes will be on your stuff and I’ll help you make decluttering and organizing your home a piece of cake.


1. Plan and prepare ahead of time

If you’re leaving in the morning, prep everything the night before

Use time blocking, a paper calendar and your virtual calendar to help you manage your time.

Know where you have to be and how much time you’re going to need to get ready and get out the door.

Use a timer to help you manage your time. Refrain from using your phone’s timer to keep from being distracted. (Ask me how I know.)

Give yourself plenty of time to clean up before you leave. At Least 45 minutes to an hour.

Try not to always be in a rush. You will create a culture of hurriness in your home.

2. Reset the space as soon as you finish a task

This is where good habits come into play.

Keep your routines simply. Too many steps will burn everyone out.

This means making your morning routines simple like your makeup routine, breakfast routine, and your dressing routine.

3. Keep your home simplified, decluttered and organized

Not only do your routines need to be simplified, you need to keep your space simplified.

You will more likely leave piles on the counter when you have too much and it overwhelms you to figure out where everything needs to go.

4. Delegate specific tasks to your children

Habit training your children takes time and if you don’t allow yourself the time to train them they will never create the habit and do it with automaticity.

Train them in the less frazzled down times to avoid stress when you’re getting ready to leave.

Taking the time to train them will keep you from always having to bark orders at them.

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