Declutter and Organize Your Kitchen Using This Five Step Method

5 simple steps to declutter and organize your kitchen

Control the Kitchen Clutter!

Do you have kitchen clutter and you just feel stuck in the rut of collections? Collections of mail. Collections of dirty dishes and shoes kicked off at the backdoor. Collections of junk drawers.

Would you rather go into your kitchen to cook meals with a clean slate? Well, let me tell you that it’s possible. It’s going to take some breaking of old habits that aren’t serving us and you may fail at it once or twice but once you finally reset your mindset about home management and how it effects your mood and productivity, you will do whatever it takes to create a peaceful and functional environment.

In this episode, I’m walking you through decluttering and organizing your entire kitchen, and I’m giving you five simple steps to follow to help you stay focused through the entire process. Press play on this episode and put it on repeat until your entire kitchen is decluttered and at it’s baseline.

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Hey, friends, and welcome back to the Habits and Home Show. I’m so glad that you’re here. Today I am giving you a step by step tutorial on decluttering and organizing your kitchen.

I talk a lot about resetting your kitchen and your home every single night but I haven’t done a thorough declutter and organize episode for you to be able to just refresh and start over you have to start at a baseline. The best way to do that is to designate a time that you’re actually going to get in your kitchen, declutter it thoroughly, and to start completely fresh. I like to do this for my clients when I go into their homes, reset their home, and reset their kitchen clutter. It’s just a really great starting point for people because once you’ve had a baseline you know where you need to get back every single evening when you do your nightly reset.

Now if you are someone who is local to me and you are looking for someone to come in to reset your home for you and to get your home back to a baseline that is the minimal and manageable, I’m your girl! Hit me up HERE, and I will definitely help you out in that area. We can also do some virtual session sessions, even though my personal favorite is doing them in person.

Alright, so let’s dive right in to how to declutter your and organize your kitchen using my five step method.

STEP #1: Start with a Clear Workspace

Step number one, as always, is to start with a cleared off workspace. Now in your kitchen, the best place to do a cleared off workspace is on your counters. Now when I when I say cleared off, I mean completely clear. You don’t want anything competing for your attention. When you bring your items out of your cabinets and out of your drawers, you don’t want extra fluff and you don’t want your decor getting in the way visually. You just need to start with a clear cleared off space. So the best place to even start decluttering is your kitchen counters.

I have an episode completely devoted to keeping your kitchen counters completely cleared it off HERE. Doing this one thing, having cleared off counters, has been probably the one thing that I’ve been most consistent with in my housekeeping and my home maintenance and it’s been the most helpful I will say.

STEP #2: Remove Everything in One Swoop

Step number two is to decide if you want to work from right to left or left to right. I always start with one direction and work around the room instead of going straight to the middle.

Then work one drawer or one cabinet at a time. When you pick a drawer or cabinet, remove everything in one swoop without sorting and pulled it all out on to your workspace.

The next thing you’re going to do is to immediately look for anything that can be just thrown away. Sometimes you have things that are just trash and they can go directly in the trash bin.

STEP #3: Decide and Declutter

Then after that, the next thing that I want you to do is look for items that you can’t live without. Items you have to have it. It’s useful, it’s purposeful and it is used on a regular basis.

Create a pile of must keep items and I would move these to a different workspace. Keep everything that’s going back into your kitchen closer to your kitchen area and closer to the the cabinets so they can easily be returned.

STEP #4: Evaluate and Reconfigure Your Space

The next step is to evaluate what you’re keeping and if you need to reconfigure the drawers and the cabinets for optimal functionality. What I mean by that is that you might be storing some of your kitchen tools in an area that just does not make sense while you’re cooking. If you have to take an extra couple extra steps to get an item that is used regularly, then you need to reconfigure your setup in your kitchen and move it closer to the main cooking area.

Something that I don’t use regularly are Ziploc bags. At first I had them right beside my stove and it didn’t make sense for me to keep them there because I wasn’t using them often. So I moved them farther away.

Items that you are using regularly, you want to keep them at arm’s length. The best way that I like to reconfigure my spaces before returning items back into my kitchen cabinets and drawers is to take a stack of post it notes and write down the different items you need to store and stick them to the outside of the cabinets. Take a step back, see how this works, and see how that configuration feels before you return the items to the cabinet.

STEP #5: Return Items with Space to Breathe

The last step is to return items to your cabinets and drawers by giving the items space to breathe. Instead of just shoving everything into the cabinet, if you were to open up a cabinet, how would you feel? How do you want to feel? Do you want to just stuff everything in there? Or do you want it to be a luxurious experience when you open up your cabinet, and everything is nice and sorted in lined up?

Giving items breathing room means that there is space around each item. You can easily see an items empty space when it’s removed and it will be easier to return to the same available spot once it’s cleaned.

Alright friends, I’ve loved hanging out with you today and sharing this process of decluttering and organizing your kitchen. It is my goal to help you to create a more minimal and manageable life. I would love to hang out with you more. You can find me hanging out with my family, renovating our farmhouse and doing all sorts of projects and hobbies over on the socials @lisalizotte. I’d also love to give you a gift. You can go to HERE. I have some really cool things in there to help you get more organized and systemized in your home and home business.

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