5 Easy Things You Can Reset in Your Home Daily to Minimize the Appearance of Clutter

Do THIS to Fake a Clutter-Free Home

If you haven’t been able to declutter your entire home but you want a quick win to make your house look less cluttered, THIS is the episode for you! 

You can actually achieve a less clutter-looking home with these simple daily habits.

Take on one new habit “reset” until you have it will established and then move on to the next habit. And don’t forget to teach these to your children and husband as well.



This reset is as simple as this – wash, dry, put away.

Repeat after me – wash, dry, put away.

Do this immediately after using each and every dish in your kitchen.

By doing this you will not only minimize the appearance of clutter but you’ll also minimize on-going tasks. No more having the revisit the dishwasher to then put everything away and reset your kitchen.

Your kids can do this too.

For some reason, we’ve all been conditioned to think we have to always use our dishwasher for our dishes to be clean.

Not entirely so.

Yes, it does steam the dishes to sanitize but washing our dishes the old fashion way does not mean our dishes aren’t clean enough.

If you rather use your dishwasher, great. Create a routine for its use that doesn’t create additional work you.

But I highly recommend trying this “wash, dry, put away” method instead so dishes are done faster.


This reset habit is even simpler than the first and you can use habit stacking to get it done consistently.

Train yourself, and your family members, that as soon as they walk in the door to the house, or even before if you rather keep shoes outside like me, to immediately place shoes in a designated shoe organizer.

This means you will need to establish a place to keep your shoes.

Which also means you need to declutter and get organized.

Don’t worry I can help with that HERE.


First of all, declutter and downsize your pillows.

This includes couch pillows, bed pillows and any other random pillows sitting around the house.

Then train yourself to reset the pillows before leaving the room.

If you’re resetting your bed pillows, more than likely you will end up making your entire bed.

If it’s the couch pillows, you’ll probably pick up any throw blankets, books or remotes and return them to their designated homes as well.

One simple mindset shift to just reset pillows will end up tidying up the rest of the space.


Woah! This is a biggie for a lot of ladies. And maybe men too.

We love our beauty products.

And we love to own and use a variety of them.

Having too many means we don’t always have the best storage and organization.

Again, I suggest minimizing your products through decluttering and downsizing.

But since we’re just trying to fake a clutter-free lifestyle at the moment so we can get a quick sense of relief, practice reseting your bathroom products for now.

And if you want an even quicker WIN, grab a basket and in one swoop of the arm dump EVERYTHING off the bathroom counter into that basket.

Put the basket under the sink and call it done until tomorrow when you are ready to work through that basket and declutter.

Overwhelmed yet? No worries. Click HERE.

5. papers

Grrrr… this has always been my least favorite area.

BUT….. thankfully I’ve created a system and a daily reset habit for papers and it’s not so painstaking anymore.

Now I said this were quick “fake it” wins, but in this one you really are going to have to establish a place to collect daily papers.

This can be a hanging bin in your command center or a collection basket on the counter. (I do not promote the latter.)

Make it an absolute necessity that the basket is clear of papers before you go to bed for the night.

That way today’s papers and tasks are done today and not left for your tomorrow’s self to be cursed with.

Do yourself a favor – do it TODAY!



You don’t have to stay stuck in your clutter. You don’t have to stay on the hamster wheel of bad habits that create mess and chaos in your home. You can be FREE!

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