5 Easy Steps to an End of the Month Reset

reset these five areas in your home

Start each month with a fresh start!

Resets have become my jam! If I’m ever feeling stressed because my life seems overwhelming or out of control, I regain my peace of mind with resets.

I’ve shared with you my daily and yearly reset routines in previous episodes, and today I’m sharing with you FIVE areas that I reset at the end of every month. You’re going to want to take notes!

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Hey friends, I’m bringing you another No fluff Friday episode. It’s the day I give you a no fluff, do it right now tip or task that can impact your motherhood, your marriage or your home maintenance.

It’s always good, in my opinion, to start a new month refreshed and reset so I’m sharing with you the five things that I make sure that I do near the end of every month.

AREA #1: Reset Calendars

You’re first going to reset your calendars. Now you know, if you’ve been hanging around with me for any length of time, I love paper planners and I love virtual planners.

I have shared before that I have a virtual calendar on my phone that I share with my husband and daughter. Near the end of the month my husband and I will typically go on a date by ourselves. We make sure we’re on the same page with upcoming events and we make place all those events on our shared virtual calendar. You can listen to an entire episode on our shared virtual calendar system HERE.

This is one of the best habits we’ve ever created for our marriage because now that our children are older and involved in several after school activities, we have to make sure we’re communicating well enough so that we don’t miss an event or fall out of touch with each other.

I also utilize a paper calendars because I love seeing it all laid out in front of me as well as I love to write it down. I love the act of writing it down because it really helps me to visualize the upcoming events and to solidify that date in my head. I also love not having it only on my phone because I just want to get more and more away from tech as possible. I like to be a little bit old-school in that way.

AREA #2: Reset Your Family Budget

The next area that I reset each month is our family budget. Our house budget and expenses is something else that Jered and I talk about on our date night. Or we may just sit on the couch near the end of the month, catch up and again, make sure we’re on the same page and on track with the goals we’ve created in our household.

So what it looks like to discuss our budget, we look over the Excel spreadsheet we’ve been using for the past 17 years and see if we need to make any changes for the new month. Most months our budget stays the same but every now and then we have to make adjustments and account for a new line item. Such as our Amazon Prime membership that is coming up next month. Speaking of Amazon Prime, their yearly membership just went up $40! What in the world?!!!

AREA #3: Reset Digital Photos

Resetting my digital photos on my cell phone every month is a new habit I’m establishing this year as I have not always been good about this. But I just did our Photo Reset Bootcamp and this is something that I taught the students to do.

If you missed the bootcamp, I will be making it available very soon so stay tuned for that announcement.

To reset your photos every month, means to look back through the photos you took and declutter and delete anything that isn’t of real value. I think it’s best to keep three to five photos that best represents the previous month for your family and friends.

I also taught in the bootcamp to be more mindful of the photos you do take. When you’re on an outing with your family, practice taking 1-2 photos to represent the trip and then put your phone away so that you can be mentally and physically present. You will find yourself enjoying life more and creating less digital clutter that you have to sort through later.

AREA #4: Clean and Reset Your Vehicle

The fourth are is to clean and reset is your vehicle. I share more about how to keep your car clutter-free HERE.

This is something I have chosen to invest in every month even though I know it is a luxury and not a necessity. There was a time when we just did not invest in any luxuries in our family and our budget was a lot tighter. Our children were once small and we weren’t able to work as much but not that we have a bigger family budget, we’re able to treat ourselves to these little luxuries.

I pay $35 a month to go to a carwash and run through the automated carwash. Then instead of me vacuuming my car, I pay for the full service while I wait in their air-conditioned room.

Now you can cut corners and be a little bit cheaper and vacuum it out yourself. Or you can teach your children to do this for you. It’s a great skill to learn. But I splurged, because if it’s worth it to me.

AREA #5: Deep Clean Your House

The last area to reset is to deep clean your house. I have been teaching several daily routines on the podcast and blog that I do throughout the day and week but so that I’m not always cleaning. I mean, I am technically like always cleaning, I just have really have developed really good habits of cleaning the area that I’m in right then.

So for instance, every time I take a shower, I already have my shower cleaning caddy hung up in my shower, and I just go ahead and clean my shower while I’m showering. If I’m brushing my teeth and there is toothpaste in the sink, I go ahead, take the time right then and clean it.

For our end-of-the-month deep cleaning session, I get everyone involved and I delegate tasks which makes it god by so much faster. To communicate who is doing what, I write out all the cleaning tasks on a dry-erase board in columns under each person’s name and they cross the tasks off as they’re complete.

chore chart

Alright friends, I’ve loved hanging out with you today and sharing this process of decluttering and organizing your kitchen. It is my goal to help you to create a more minimal and manageable life. I would love to hang out with you more. You can find me hanging out with my family, renovating our farmhouse and doing all sorts of projects and hobbies on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. I’d also love to give you a gift. Go to my freebies page for some helpful guides and checklists. I have some really cool things in there to help you get more organized and systemized in your home and home business.

Need to get organized? Let’s chat!

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