5 Easy Ideas to Spruce Up Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Create a welcoming and inviting home!

Today marks an exciting day here on the podcast as I’m recording episode number 50. If you’ve been here since beginning, thank you for hanging out with me and for supporting the show. I hope it has been a blessing to your mama heart.

If you’re new to the show, I share about all things decluttering, organizing, and habits in your home. Every now and then I sprinkle in a little bit of Jesus encouragement and habits in your home business.

On today’s episode, I’m sharing with you five simple ways to enhance your home’s curb appeal. If you’ve ever dreamed of being the mom who has a home that’s welcoming and inviting, these steps will help you towards achieving that goal. And better yet they are things you can do on your own without much help because let’s be honest…. not everyone cares about curb appeal as much as we do.

It seems so simple yet we’re all too busy or distracted to actually do these tasks. Let this be some inspiration to get it done THIS WEEKEND!

Read this Episode:

Today marks an exciting day here on the podcast as I’m recording episode number 50. If you’ve been here since beginning, thank you for hanging out with me and for supporting the show. I hope it has been a blessing to your mama heart.

If you’re new to the show, I share about all things declutter, organizing, and habits in your home. Every now and then I sprinkle in a little bit of Jesus encouragement and habits in your home business.

The show has also just passed 20 thousand downloads which leaves me so encredibly humbled and honored. I never would have dreamed the podcast would have taken off as fast as it did but it just shows me that women across the world are eagerly looking for ways to bring more peace to their homes. Stick with the show friend because there is peace and joy waiting for you to claim as your own.

And speaking of peace, I am recording this episode in my newly renovated office! YAY! For the past 50 episodes, I have been recording in my husband’s side of our closet which has provided great acoustics but not much visual inspiration.

We’ve been in the process of turning our large upstairs bathroom into a home office. The renovation has been super slow and has definitely given me an opportunity to grow in patience as my husband has taken on more clients in his fencing business.

Two weeks ago the carpet was laid and this past Saturday I bit the bullet after a long time of indecisivness and purcahsed all my office furniture from IKEA.

This episode is not sponsored by IKEA but let me give you a fair warning. They do not offer Chick-fil-A type customer service and care. Make sure you take your husband or a strong friend with you.

Lisa Lizotte podcast episode 52
Lisa Lizotte podcast episode 50

Okay now for today’s episode which is all about getting ready for spring by sprucing up your curb appeal.

Last week, Jered picked up some bales of pine straw for me from a local supplier to freshen up the flowerbeds around our home.

Yard work may not be your thing but it has become life-giving to me. I actually get lots of ideas and revolations when I work in the garden. I was chatting back and forth with an business buddy about the direction of my online business and I wanted to share with you a short clip of our conversation in case you too have felt lost or without direction. Its a little behind the scenes of the process of finding clarity in your life. The process of weeding out what’s unneccessary. And the grace we need to extend to ourselves to find our God-calling purposes and paths.

*Tune in to the episode for this heart-felt part of the podcast.

#1 – Refresh the Flowerbeds

Add new mulch or pine straw to the flower beds around your house. If you don’t have flowerbeds or shrubs, you can use mulch and pinestraw to outline your house to give it a more upscale appearance.

#2 – Clean Up the Exterior of Your House

Pressure wash the outside of your home, porches, and carports and freshen up the paint if it’s time.

#3 – Designate Clear Walkways

Add stepping stones or pavers to create a walkway to your front door. This is a great way to show unfamiliar visitors exactly where you want them to go. I love the habit of welcoming guests at the front door and to be honest our backdoor is usuallly a little messier.

If you already have walking paths, take this time to freshen them up by adding more riverstones if they’ve gotten buried. Or to save money consider digging them out, washing them off and repacking them around the walkways.

#4 – Decorate with Plants

Trim your hedges and get new flowering plants for two pots beside your front entrance.

Also think about adding some flowers or plants around your mailbox. I always enjoy going to homes where they’ve taken the time to care for even their mailbox. For me it says a lot about a person and their hospitality.

Don’t overdo your potted plants if you’re not attentive to caring for plants. Plants can take care of themselves better when planted in the ground. Choose your plants wisely so you’re not adding more work for yourself.

Here is an example of beautifying your mailbox. This I is my friend’s, Stephanie Linton, mailbox. You’re mailbox doesn’t have to be fancy. Wildflowers around the bottom will bloom at Summer long.

#5 – Spruce Up the Doors

Repaint your doors to your home if they need it. Changing the color of the front door can give your home a new look in less than a day and can really make a statement. Think about what you want to convey.

Are you more classic, minimal and simplistic? Paint your door black, white or stain it. Or if you’re fun, adventurous and bold, you might want to paint your door a shade of red, blue or yellow.

Do you like changing out your wreaths seasonally? Take this time to declutter your wreaths and narrow them down to just four. One for each season.

I personally don’t place wreaths on my doors beause I enjoy the look of a plain door. Plus I don’t like the extra decor that I have to store throughout the year. Let me give you permission to purge this practice if you want to downsize.

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Alright friends, I’ve loved hanging out with you today and sharing this process of decluttering and organizing your kitchen. It is my goal to help you to create a more minimal and manageable life. I would love to hang out with you more. You can find me hanging out with my family, renovating our farmhouse and doing all sorts of projects and hobbies on Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. I’d also love to give you a gift. Go to my freebies page for some helpful guides and checklists. I have some really cool things in there to help you get more organized and systemized in your home and home business.

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