4 Tips For Decluttering Your Fall Closet

It’s time to update your closet for fall!

The seasons are changing and cool air is on its way. You know what that means – making room in your closet for all your fall and winter clothes.

The best way to make more space in your closet for what you actually enjoy wearing is to declutter and systemize your seasonal clothes and in this episode, I’m sharing with you four seasonal decluttering and organizing tips you may not have thought of.

Set a date, grab some trash bags, and a friend, and let’s declutter your closet!


Four Minimalist Tips for Decluttering Your Closet This Fall

closet of neutral color sweaters

Tip #1 – Consider the Weather

Before you dive into clearing out your closet, let’s step back and take a constructive 0evaluation. Ask yourself what you really need in the upcoming months. What are you actually going to wear?

Consider the weather where you live and your usual go-to pieces. Don’t be quick to pack up tank tops and short sleeve shirts because you can layer items to diversify your wardrobe.

Tip #2 – Learn How to Style with Layers

Don’t pack up all your warm-weather clothes so quickly. You can easily layer on top of them to get more out of your entire wardrobe. Add a couple of cardigans to your closet to throw over some plain basic tank tops.

Learning to style your clothes by layers during the cooler months will decrease how much decluttering you have to do when seasons change. Keeps your wardrobe to three to five basic colors so that you can make multiple outfits out of a few basic pieces.

Keeping only a few pieces will also help with your daily habits of managing your clothes. Minimal wardrobes help us to be more mindful about putting things away. If you struggle with putting laundry away, consider downsizing the number of clothes you keep in your closet.

And don’t worry about not having enough to wear. When you learn to style with layering you only need to keep a few pieces.

stack of soft sweaters in different colors

Tip #3 – Try to Keep Everything Visible

Most people pack all their seasonal clothes in boxes each year. However, I don’t think this is the best practice for people who struggle with accumulating too much clutter.

I recommend keeping every piece of clothing you own visible. If you have a large enough closet, keep all your seasonal clothes hanging and simply rotate them based on frequency. Clothes that you are wearing now should move to an easy-access position in your closet while out-of-season clothes should be placed near the back.

However, if you have limited storage and must pack seasonal clothes up, I would suggest using clear storage bins and thoroughly labeling the outside of the bin with an inventory of the contents inside.

For instance, “4 thick sweaters, 2 ski jackets, 3 scarves,” would be placed on the outside of the bin. Doing this you will be able to tell what you have for each season at all times. That way if you find clothes on sale out of season, you will know exactly what you need to purchase and what you need to say no to. If you’re unaware of what you have you’ll likely purchase items thinking you need them later.

Don’t depend on your memory. Try to keep everything visible by hanging clothes in your closet year-round or storing them in clearly labeled bins.

woman packing up winter clothes

Tip #4 – Know Your Capacity and Your Habits

How many clothes you keep in your clothes will heavily depend on your capacity to maintain your clothes and your home. If you desire a tidy, easily managed how but have spent years struggling to keep up with laundry, you will want to retrain your habits and basically start fresh.

Do you like do-overs? Well here’s your chance. Here’s your chance to start new habits. Here’s your chance to downsize and weed out the clutter that weighs you down.

Evaluate your capacity and be honest with yourself. What can you actually manage on a daily basis? If your closet is too stuffed, you will have a more difficult time hanging and storing clothes in there on a regular basis. It will be a place of dread instead of a place of pleasure.

Do yourself a favor and weed out the unnecessary. Giving the gift of minimal effort is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Know yourself, know your capacity and learn to tell yourself, “This is enough.”

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I’d love to hear from you!

Are you ready to declutter your closet for fall? Set a date and grab a friend if you have to and start clearing out the clutter. Make room for the clothes that make you feel good. Let me know if you find these tips helpful!

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You don’t have to stay stuck in your clutter. You don’t have to stay on the hamster wheel of bad habits that create mess and chaos in your home. You can be FREE!

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