4 Habits to Start TODAY to Clear Car Clutter with Kids

I don’t know about you but for years I have struggled to keep my car clean and tidy while being a mom of three children. It just felt impossible to have the best of both worlds- a clear car and be a mother who wasn’t a drill sergeant. 

But I figured out a way- HABITS!

Sounds simple and I promise it really is but you have to change your mindset first when it comes to forming new habits.

Are you desperate enough to do the word mama? I know I was. I promise that your hard work to train you and your children will not be unfruitful.

In this episode, I give you four habits you can start implementing TODAY to keep your car tidier and more clutter-free. Plus I’m sharing a BONUS habit with you that I know you will share with your husband, add it to your budget and feel like you’re living the dream life as a mom. LOL! Yeah, it’s that good and I’m giving you permission to do it!

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